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2 Ways 2 Ingredients Southern Biscuits (VIDEO)

Writer: Innichka ChefInnichka Chef

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

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These biscuits come together in a flash and require no special equipment! No cutting fat into flour or rolling out dough! Just simply kneaded the dough for 30 seconds, shaped the biscuits and popped immediately into the preheated oven!

two cast iron pans with biscuits

Traditional Lowcountry biscuits are different from the Southern classic. They are not proofed up in many layers, they are more flat, crispy on the bottom and porky smelling because have been baked in a bacon greased cast iron pan and almost never made from scratch. High rising canned biscuits. That's what most locals eat for a Saturday morning.

I'm from Ukraine and my husband is a Yankee, neither of us are really biscuits eaters, so no craving for me to have one. We simply did not grow up on them. When we travel up north, I see them on the menu up until West Virginia, and then there are no more biscuits, and FYI, no waffles or fried chicken.


However, my babies are true blue born and breed Southerners for the Lowcountry is their home. They appreciate the taste of biscuits and at pretty much every potluck or get together; they can be seen eating them! Of course, I want my kids to eat the best biscuits, but many recipes are time consuming with all the MIXING, ROLLING, NOT TO MENTION BAKING THEM FOR ANOTHER 20 MINUTES! That's too much time for a busy mom! When I worked in a local bakery back in 2013, that's how my morning would start, spending a lot of time making biscuits.

two ladies holding two cast iron pans with a biscuits


Until I had Tracy's biscuits, I never really carried much for them. HER BISCUITS ARE THE BEST and they are THE EASIEST TO MAKE TOO.

me and Tracy holding one bowl each of biscuits.

Imagine you wake up hungry on Saturday morning and are craving some delicious biscuits. With Tracy's recipe, you can whip them up in 5 minutes and bake for another 8-10 minutes so that during the baking process, you can make yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the first couple of sips and within minutes enjoy a piping hot fluffy homemade biscuit from scratch!

two biscuits on top of each other


I can't believe how easy it is to make these biscuits, and that only 2 ingredients are needed. It is merely a ratio 2 to 1. Two cups of flour and one cup of heavy cream.

cream and flour
  • Self-rising Flour

  • Heavy Cream

Tracy is very specific about her choice of flour. And I can see why. She recommends White Lily flour, because not only does it contain the proper rising agents to give you perfectly baked goods, along with the correct amount of salt content, but also the grain is close to cake flour.

bag of flour

Historically strong wheat that is high in protein (gluten and other proteins) didn't grow in the South due to the hot climate, so wheat such as "soft red winter" can't handle breads with a strong structure, such as sourdough. However, muffins, pancakes and biscuits are perfect with this flour.

But if you don't have this kind of flour in your local supermarket, order or make your own, here are the directions:


1 cup cake flour

1 &1/2 teaspoons baking powder (aluminum free)

1/4 teaspoon pink salt

Whisk all the ingredients together! It is ready to use!


Julia Child once said, "If you're afraid of butter, use cream." Wise words, aren't they? Here is my history session for you on heavy cream:

The creation of heavy cream is a pretty straightforward process. It's basically fat that collects on top of fresh (raw and not homogenized) milk in a few hours after milking the cow. But if you wait for a few days and the milk ferments then you simply went too far and now instead of heavy cream you have creme fraiche (the product similar to sour cream).

I grew up making and consuming kefir milk, whey, creme fraiche, and farmer's cheese, etc. The process is easy. Everyone can do this or just simply buy these products at the farmer's market.

Until I got to the US, there wasn't any confusion about dairy, and I never heard of anyone in my hometown with allergies to lactose or casein.

In the US, heavy cream or whipped cream (which are the same exact thing) depending on the brand, cream varies in fat content.

If you shop for cream in a regular supermarket, your chances of finding cream without additives are close to zero. Look at the list of ingredients, which should read "CREAM" and no other words! It should be a one-ingredient product. In this case, less is best! I usually buy this one.



The flavorings I chose are scallions and cheddar; it's one of the classic combos for scones too. These flavored biscuits are always a compliment as a side to any savory dish.

green onion and biscuits

This recipe is full proof, easy to work with and will allow you the freedom to create the perfect biscuits for your family. Just use the basic plain biscuit recipe as a base for your next batch and then feel free to create.

Here some more variations for your biscuits:

  1. Blueberry

  2. Apple & cinnamon

  3. Bacon & cheese

  4. Goat cheese and chives

  5. Mushrooms & onion

  6. Honey & ham

  7. Herbs & sun-dried tomato

  8. Olives

Let's do it...

Prep time: 5 minutes

Making time: 10 minutes

Bake time: 8-10 minutes

Total time: 23-25 minutes

Author: Inna of

Serves: 16-17 biscuits

Ingredients for plain biscuits

2 cups unbleached self-rising flour (see note above)

1 &1/4 cups heavy cream (cold)

Raw local honey (optional for serving)

Salted grass-fed butter (optional for serving)

cream, flour, scallions, shredded cheese

Ingredients for green biscuits

2 cups unbleached self-rising flour (see note above)

1 &1/4 cups heavy cream (cold)

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1/2 cup chopped scallions or chives.


  • Preheat the oven to 500F.

  • To the mixing bowl add flour. Stir in the cream with a wooden spoon until dough forms, about 30 seconds. Add cheese and chives if you are making green biscuits.

  • Knead the dough briefly until smooth, again for about 30 seconds.

  • Shape the dough into 3/4-inch-thick circles. You will get about 8 of them. (For green biscuits, you may need a tiny bit more liquid, wet your hands with water when you are ready to shape them.) Place them into a pre-seasoned cast iron pan (no greased pan needed).

two cast iron pans with baked biscuits
  • Place into the oven for 10 minutes.

  • Take from the oven, pop onto the cooling rack, and don't wait too long to enjoy it!

two plates with two different biscuits
green onion and two bowls with biscuits


Tracy says that the proper way to eat freshly made biscuits is to split them in half with a FORK while they are still nice and warm. Place a slice of good quality grass-fed salted butter on the bottom piece and then cover with the topside of the biscuit. Before you dig into this delicious piece of Southern heaven, leave on the plate and wait for 10 second or until butter is slightly melted. Now it is ready to be enjoyed! Also consider drizzling it with some raw local honey. It provides a little bit of sweetness to contrast the salty rich flavor of the biscuit.

Enjoy, I promise you won't try any other recipe after this one.

I hope you'll make this recipe soon. If you do, please tag me #innichka_chef on Instagram, Facebook, Patreon, or Pinterest.


© 2021 


Please make sure you understand: this blog includes only my own opinions based on my experience and love of food and is not professional advice. I'm trying to post healthy recipes, but it's up to you to decide what is good for you and what is not. Please talk to your doctor for nutritional advice. Remember, you are the king or queen of your health.

If you decide to purchase any ingredients or appliances which I recommend please do it through the affiliate links provided because by doing so you support my work and also improve the quality of content I post.

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