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Ukrainian bread buns called "Pampushky" (VIDEO)

Writer: Innichka ChefInnichka Chef

Updated: Jul 3, 2024

Ukrainian Pampushky are a delightful addition to any meal, offering a taste of tradition and a touch of home-baked goodness. These bread buns are perfect for mopping up soups, serving with salads, or enjoying on their own. Give this recipe a try and bring a bit of Ukrainian culinary heritage to your kitchen!

bread buns, with one bun out and dill sauce on

Eastern European dishes have similar names and renditions for the bread buns that Ukrainian's call "Pampushky" . These buns are undeniably Ukrainian for no other country has ever claimed them as their own. They are uniquely rich, somewhere between brioche and traditional dinner rolls being doused in garlic-dill oil as soon they come out of the oven. The aroma of freshly baked pampushky buns beacons any passerby to pause and request a taste!!! Traditionally they have been served with borsch but they do pair well with any soup. By the way my picky husband claims them to be the best bread buns he has ever tried.

bowl of borsch and bread buns

The recipe I share with you today is what most cooks would refer to as old fashioned cooking for it isn't a quick modern recipe, It is prepared the way my grandmother did many generations ago. My mom enjoys taking shortcuts and uses commercial yeast in her recipe. But I'm offering you a healthier option, 100% sourdough bread buns are well worth it to make, at least for a special occasion. Sourdough based breads (probiotic breads) are predigested so it's much easier for people with sensitive stomachs. It has a lower gluten content, lower antinutrient content, and lower PH than regular bread. It produces more flavor and with its complexity creates better texture. Please, visit my page here, to explore more about sourdough.

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Why sourdough for these Ukrainian bread buns?

In all my baking I invest my heart and soul into everything that I bake which gives me a sense of comfort in the foods I feed to my children. The method of slow fermentation allows our body to absorb all the nutrients, such as selenium, B vitamins, folate, and others. Quick breads are very convenient, and we all love to have them once a while: one hour and yeast-based dough is proofed and ready, right? But not so much for our bodies.

When it comes to the ingredients I use, I'm equally picky because good quality is always the key, I have a rule which is that I would rather pay now at the grocery store than later at the pharmacy. It's just my philosophy: no skimping on food cost.

Good quality flour is the key for ensuring a successful final result. Homemade white flour, which is actually tan in its coloration, is not to be confused with commercially refined white flour, which contains only about three quarters of the original wheat that entered the mill, plus some extra junk wheat has never possessed.

So what has been removed?

Nutritious bran and germ.

What has been added?

Chlorine, nitrogen oxide, acetone, peroxide, ascorbic acid, and potassium bromate, just to name a few of the chemicals that brighten, moisten, condition, aerate, preserve, sweeten, and sadly, add flavor.

If you don't have the ability to make your own flour, please choose the organic one, I like this brand.

What do I need to make these buns?

All-purpose flour, the organic flour is the best choice

Sourdough starter (ripe and active)

Eggs, free range with nice yellow bright color

Milk, whole and organic if possible

Butter from grass fed cows, is always ideal.

Please have patience in making these buns for they are very special treats. In today's baking world we have grown accustomed to eating brioche type breads based only on commercial yeast. This recipe is truly a labor of love and upon baking it you will discover a richness, softness and a buttery deliciousness that can't be beat! It is everything that you desire in your bread with the inclusion of huge health benefits, for it is 100% sourdough bread.

Notes on freezing

These buns are easy to freeze, so feel free to double the recipe.

To serve with extra butter is always a great idea. My youngest son is obsessed with butter, so we have to hide it from him!

If not directly freezing, then they are great warm or room temperature.

To serve with extra butter on a table is always a great idea, my youngest son is obsessed with butter, so we have to hide it from him. They are great warm or room temperature.

Notes on starter

The day before you want to bake the buns (or 2 days before, if you plan to proof the dough overnight), make your starter sponge.

Let's do it...

Prep time: 5 minutes

Proofing time: 12 hours

Baking time: 40 minutes

Total time:12 hours and 45 minutes

Autor: Inna of

Serves: 12 portions

Ingredients for the sponge

1/3 cup sourdough starter (active and ripe)

1/4 cup of whole milk

Ingredients for the dough

Sponge (after fermentation)

3 eggs

3/4 cup whole milk

1 2/3 cup of bread flour

50g (31/2 Tablespoons) butter (melted)

2 teaspoon pink salt

1 egg slightly beaten (for glazing)

eggs, flour in a glass jar, milk, starter, salt, butter
egg wash and brush

Ingredients for the garlic-dill sauce

3-4 cloves of garlic

3 Tablespoons roughly chopped fresh dill

pinch of Celtic salt

bottle of oil, garlic, fresh dill, brush and motor and pesto


  • To make a sponge, whisk the starter into the milk until it has dissolved, then add all-purpose flour. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place to  proof for 5 hours (should at least double in size).

  • To make dough, add to the sponge eggs, sugar, and milk, stir with a wooden spoon until the ingredients become a smooth consistency, or you can use an electric mixer with a whisk attachment to speed up the process. Then add bread flour and all-purpose flour, and briefly mix. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest in a warm place for an hour.

  • Grease a large bowl with butter. To the resting dough add salt and melted butter, and mix dough by hand or electric mixer with a hook attachment for about 5 minutes, until it becomes very stretchy.

  • Transfer the dough into a buttered bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place to proof out for 3-4 hours. The dough should be doubled in size.

  • Grease a rectangular baking pan about 12 inches long, 8 inches wide and about 2 inches deep with a little butter or oil.

  • Turn out the dough onto a floured surface and with floured hands, divide the dough with a dough cutter into 12 pieces, and shape into smooth balls. I recommend watching the video for a detailed demonstration.

  • Place the balls snuggly in the pan, arranging them in three rows. Cover with plastic wrap and leave somewhere warm for 1-2 hours - they will merge together and double in size.

  • Preheat the oven to 400F. Gently brush the buns with egg glaze and bake for 35-40 minutes. They should look darker than traditional dinner rolls.

Use a mortar and pestle to crush the garlic, dill and salt into a paste, then whisk in the oil.

brushing baked buns with dill-garlic sauce
  • Once the buns are out of the oven brush them with oil while still in the pan. After a few minutes remove the buns and place them on a cooling rack.

Enjoy them warm or at room temperature!!!

freshly baked bread buns with dill-garlic sauce

I hope you'll make this recipe soon. If you do, please tag me #innichka_chef on Instagram, Facebook, Patreon, or Pinterest.

© 2021 


Please make sure you understand: this blog includes only my own opinions based on my experience and love of food and is not professional advice. I'm trying to post healthy recipes, but it's up to you to decide what is good for you and what is not. Please talk to your doctor for nutritional advice. Remember, you are the king or queen of your health.


If you decide to purchase any ingredients or appliances which I recommend please do it through the affiliate links provided because by doing so you support my work and also improve the quality of content I post.


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