My husband is always so creative when he wants to surprise me. The very first big surprise was in May 2011 after I came home from my ESL classes. I found a note: Please pack outfits and traveling stuff for five days. Be ready by 10 PM.
That evening after work he came home and, without any explanation, put on the movie Forrest Gump. Great movie. We loved every moment of it. Later that night, we took off for the South. That was my introduction to the Lowcountry.
We had an amazing mini vacation even though the heat and humidity were very extreme! Everything was so new and interesting; the museums, a Gullah festival, and Spanish moss draped on the trees. And of course, the food. Lowcountry boil, shrimp and grits, fried okra, sweet tea, boiled peanuts, and many more unusual foods. It was just a few days, but boy, did we have a lot of fun in those few days! Kayaking, fishing, exploring Hunting Island, visiting Charleston and Savannah...
The fishing trip was really exciting. We caught so many fish. Unfortunately, it was catch and release, which I'd never heard of before. It was so weird to catch a fish and then let it swim away. David doesn't fish anymore these days, but I still give him a hard time about letting so many fish go! Anyway, there are so many fish in the Lowcountry, but I really liked the redfish. It's such a beautiful fish! Here a few pictures from that fishing event (and the baby shark really did bite me!).