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Image by Tim-Oliver Metz


a powerful probiotic- and mineral-rich drink you can make at home

a drink with a long history

Kombucha is Lacto-fermented beverage, that have been around for hundreds of years. It is wonderful alternative not only to soft drinks but to alcoholic beverages as well.  The theory that the craving for alcohol, as well as the craving for soft drinks, stems from an ancient collective memory of the kind of Lacto-fermented beverages still found in traditional societies. These beverages give a lift to the tired body by supplying mineral ions depleted through perspiration and make food taste more agreeable and satisfying by supplying lactobacilli, lactic acid and enzymes needed for easy and thorough digestion.


Take a look through this page to answer some of the many questions people have about kombucha.

what is kombucha?

Kombucha – is a fermented drink filled with loads of good probiotic bacteria, that can help you boost immune system, help with digestion, and contribute to many other beneficial health benefits.

Lately we see, the popularity of this trendy drink is growing crazy fast, and it’s still quite pricy. Why pay $4 to $5 dollars per bottle of kombucha when you can learn how to make it yourself in the comfort of your kitchen.

what is a SCOBY and why is it so important?

A scoby is a starter for your future kombucha drink.  SCOBY is an acronym meaning “symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast,” and is an ingredient used in the fermentation and production of kombucha.

Fermentation is a chemical process in which carbohydrates like sugar or starch turn into alcohol or acid. One study, Metabarcoding of the kombucha microbial community grown in different microenvironments (, showed that the environment of the scoby will affect the microbial and fungal composition when using different types of tea, different sugar or honey, and general sterility of the aria where kombucha have been made. Every home has a different composition of wild yeast, that leads to produce a different composition of yeast and good bacteria in your kombucha.


  • Zygosaccharomyces

  • Dekkera

  • Davidiella

  • Pichia

  • Wallemia

  • Lachancea

  • Leucosporidiella

  • Kazachstania

  • Kluyveromyces

  • Naumovozyma

  • Candida (was not present in Irish study)



  • Gluconacetobacter

  • Lactobacillus

  • Lactococcus

  • Leuconostoc

  • Bifidobacterium

  • Acetobacter

  • Thermus

  • Allobaculum

  • Ruminococcaceae Incertae Sedis

  • Propionibacterium

  • Enterococcus

  • Komagataeibacter kombuchae

  • Gluconobacter

  • Burkholderia

  • Halomonas

  • Shewanella

  • Herbaspirillum

Image by Megumi Nachev
who should drink kombucha and why?

Everyone! Even kids in small amounts and the elderly people included and here is why:


  • Kombucha reduces joint pain because it contains acetic acid. Acetic acid not only helps to stabilize blood sugar but is also an analgesic pain reliever. Kombucha has anti-arthritic elements that help remove inflammation that cause toxins to accumulate in the joints. Kombucha helps the preservation of collagen as it has high levels of glucosamine. It does so by increasing hyaluronic acid, which is key for the lubrication in your joints.


  • Today many people suffer from food allergies because their stomach lining is stripped thin. S boulardii bacteria have anti-inflammatory and antitoxin effects. It neutralizes toxins produced by harmful pathogens and sends a signal to the body to aid in inflammation reduction. S boulardii can also act as a decoy to harmful bad bacteria. It attracts and binds with the pathogens, keeping them from attaching to the intestinal wall and doing damage. Our body was perfectly designed.  I’m big believer God did everything in this world to perfection. However, we as humans are not going in the right direction. Because of our highly processed diet, our bodies are constantly inflamed, irritated and uncomfortable.



  • Kombucha has an antibiotic resistance yeast called Saccharomyces Boulardii. It is resistant to stomach acid and cannot be killed by antibiotics. 


  • Kombucha helps your kidneys by eliminating environmental pollutants. Every day your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to remove and eliminate chemicals and toxins. Kombucha has been used to prevent the kidneys from forming kidney stones by helping to purify and remove toxins. 14 1 02.pdf


  • Kombucha helps with constipation and diarrhea. S boulardii is being used to treat all sorts of bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).


  • Kombucha may help to prevent and treat cancer. GTs Synergy Kombucha is one of the largest kombucha companies on the market today. It was founded by GT Dave, who credits kombucha with saving his mom from stage 4 breast cancer. 

lastly, what are probiotics, again?

Probiotics are beneficial intestinal flora can help repopulate the intestinal tract as an aid to digestion and full assimilation, in conjunction with Lacto-fermented goods as part of the diet. A study of beverages from around the word reveals that traditional societies frequently consume Lacto-fermented beverages made from fruits, teas, milk, herbs, and grains. The probiotic drinks are considered superior to plain water in their ability to relieve thirst during physical labor.


When you workout, vitamins and minerals are lost through perspiration. Modern research has discovered that a liquid containing small amounts of sugars along with minerals in ionic form is absorbed faster than plain water, is retained more thoroughly and has the added advantage of rapidly replacing the lost minerals. Unfortunately, this research has been used to promote commercial sports drinks – high-sugar, additive-laced concoctions containing small amounts of electrolytes.


In contrast, natural lactic-acid fermentation drinks contain numerous valuable minerals in ionized form and small amounts of natural sugars along with lactic acid and beneficial lactobacilli, all of which promote good health in many ways, while at the same time satisfying the sensation of thirst.  So, not only is a very tasty drink, it's one that truly does a body good!



© 2021 


Please make sure you understand: this blog includes only my own opinions based on my experience and love of food and is not professional advice. I'm trying to post healthy recipes, but it's up to you to decide what is good for you and what is not. Please talk to your doctor for nutritional advice. Remember, you are the king or queen of your health.


If you decide to purchase any ingredients or appliances which I recommend please do it through the affiliate links provided because by doing so you support my work and also improve the quality of content I post.


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