Testimonials on Fermented Food Usage
When people begin to incorporate fermented foods into their lives, inevitably great things happen. I hear from people all the time who come to my events how their lives have improved from ferments. I never tire hearing them! I have my own testimony on another page, but I began like so many - in pain and wanting something that could make a difference. I hope you find as much joy and encouragement reading these as I do!

Hear from others:
This past year has been difficult. I weathered many challenges with my body. One of the most significant things was dealing with an unstable digestive system. I would battle with severe constipation and then transition to severe and uncomfortable diarrhea. I battled with these conditions for a year with no successful remedy. One of my wife’s good friends gave her kefir grains, a natural probiotic. My wife would use these grains to make kefir milk and then use the milk in making milkshakes as part of my breakfast. I would say that one month has passed since drinking these shakes and I noticed a significant difference in my bowel movements. I have become stable with no constipation and have a more tolerable situation. Thank you Inna for your knowledge and caring in these matters.
Craig Pittman
Retired Olympic and Pro-Wrestler
Chef Inna's classes have been such a joy to me and to my family. Watching her make the recipes in person and learning about the best ingredients is so inspiring. She shares all the nutritional information and follows up each class by sending out great health information as well as different ways to make and use the foods. It was important for me to see some of the gaps in my own cooking, especially that I was missing out on the health benefits of live fermented foods. I've noticed an increase in my energy and gut health. My daughter loves the children's classes and we recreate recipes at home together. Inna shares the joy of cooking quality foods at home.
   ~ Laura
Dear Innichka,
Thank you again for having us into your lovely home, and for all that you thought us. It has the potential to be life - changing!
~ Heather
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, your kefir grains, and your time with me this afternoon!
~ Best regards, Michele
One of my dear friend Ann, send me this message and it's so true.
"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him - the people who give you their food give you their heart."
~ Cesar Chavez